Rules, Legislation, Veterans & Community Services
Committee Members: Jack Vietti – Chair, Jim Blackard – Vice Chair, Seth Welch, Linda Ambrose, Michael Haag, Marty Fannin and John Vitzthum
The Rules, Legislation, Veterans & Community Services Committee shall at each June meeting during even numbered years approve names of judges of election for each town and precinct in the County, the place of holding elections in each town and precinct and such other judges to be selected as provided by law. They shall be responsible for the revision and compiling of the Standing Rules of the County Board and shall examine proposed legislation before the Illinois General Assembly and make specific recommendations to the County Board. The Committee shall be responsible for reviewing the services provided within the community, working with the Veterans Assistance Commission, Public Health, and Mental Health, as well as other Community Organizations.
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Rules, Legislation, Veterans & Community Services Committee Meeting Agenda (no meeting scheduled at this time)